Best Callus Peels: Why They Are The Best Solution For Strong Calluses

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Lets begin by giving you an insight into how callus peels work. Callus peels are very similar to other chemical peels. They contain mainly Beta and Alpha Hydroxy acids, such as salicylic and glycolic acid. These acids are used in weaker doses for acne scars, hyper-pigmentation, and other issues which require peeling of the skin. When applied on the feet, these can peel even the strongest of the calluses. These are usually not suitable for upper body calluses, but some may be. Make sure to read the instructions on the packaging thoroughly to extract all the relevant information you need to know before applying the product.

Who Should Use Callus Peels?

Callus peels are most suitable for people whose calluses are thick and are mostly on the heels.
If you have recurring calluses then peels are still a viable option, but the more cost-effective way to go would be to purchase an electric callus remover. A good way to go about remedying recurring heel and foot calluses would be to treat your callus with a peel once to get a good start, and then maintain them with the electric remover.

Callus Peels vs Electrical Removers

So what are the benefits of using a callus peel/callus cream over an electric remover ?

  • Callus peels are inexpensive. They are about the same in effectiveness when compared to electric removers. However, if you have recurring calluses then electric removers are the route to take.
  • Using callus peels does not require assistance. You can easily apply a callus peel and have nice feet in 1-2 hours, and you would not require a helper. Electric removers often require someone to lend a helping hand, especially on areas like the heels where it is difficult to see/reach.
  • Callus peels require very little experience for applying the product. Whereas, Electric removers have a learning curve to them. It takes some experience to use them most effectively. Although a newbie can still operate an electric remover, he/she will not be able to be use the device to its fullest potential the first few times.

No article is complete without listing of the downsides of a method. So here are some reasons why you should go for an electric callus remover over a callus peel:

  • Re-usable – this is the electric callus remover’s edge on traditional peels and such. It can be re-used by simply buying replacement disk. Callus peels are for one time use, although you can purchase another and apply it.
  • Faster – The electric remover works away the callus in a few minutes, compared to the 7-10 days the callus peel takes.
  • Flexible – The speed of the callus electrical machine can be set to your liking. Depending on the thickness of the callus, a suitable strength can be chosen and that minimizes risks of irritating the skin. Strengths also vary by the type of roller or disk used. A more dense disk or roller will provide greater exfoliation. These are easily available as add-ons from the sellers. A callus peel on the other hand utilizes one universal strength which results in little to no difference in calluses that are thicker than usual.

Click Here to read our review on the Baby Foot Callus Peel

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